Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SlingPlayer Mobile for iPhone available in App Store in Wi-Fi only flavor, runs $29.99

SlingPlayer Mobile for iPhone is about to become available in the App Store, it only will work over a Wi-Fi connection as opposed to a cellular data connection. It also will run you $29.99. The only good news we could scrounge up is that Sling has allowed/enabled the iPhone client to work on any Slingbox, but they won’t officially support it. All in all, we’re sad to say, we really don’t see this going over well. $30 for an application you can only use over Wi-Fi really doesn’t sound that appetizing. We love you Sling, but this isn’t exactly optimal.

Well, we’re going to hold on to our demo apps that work over 3G — who knew some applications would become collectibles? We didn’t have a chance to put a formal review together even though we’ve been using the application for the last month or so, but quick thoughts? Really solid product that had a ton of potential (and a nice revenue stream for Sling) had it launched with cellular data support. Couple laggy spots, but hey, it’s your TiVo (or whatever crap DVR you use) on your iPhone. Anywhere. AT&T really bent them over with a hot iron stick on this one…

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