Tuesday, December 8, 2009

“Google Favorite Places” gives QR barcodes to businesses

Today, Google announced a new service that it will be giving to popular businesses around the country, a service to be called “Google Favorite Places,” and the idea is fairly simple. Google has mailed customized window stickers to business across the U.S. that are frequently searched for on google.com or in Google Maps — 100,00 have been sent out so far. Each sticker bears a QR barcode ready to be scanned by a cell phone reader, when scanned the code provides a link to Google’s entry for the local business which contains general information, reviews, coupons, and other pertinent information. Favorite Places also has a website were you can check out what Google classifies as a “favorite” in your area. So simple it might work? We’re not sure, but we do have the silent video Google made to go along with this project queued up for you after the break.

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