Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Photo of 10 inch Apple tablet screen is either totally fake, or kind of disappointing

Could the image you see above, which really looks like it could be part of a giant iPhone, be the glass surface for the Apple tablet? If so, that giant hole on the bottom is likely where an iPhone-like home button will be, and the earpiece up top would be for a speaker. Or, and we know this could be a stretch, someone had nothing better to do and created a large-scaled replica of the iPhone’s face, drilled an extra hole into it and called it a placeholder for a camera. There are some things we see on the Internet that sends our BS meter through the roof, and this one did it at first glance. We’d be really disappointed if Apple made the tablet look nothing more like a giant iPhone, but then again, why mess with success? If rumors prove to be true, we’ll find out before the end of this month.

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